• Redrawing the floor plans of Fallingwater, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is the primary technique used in this exploratory drawing. The drawing process brings to life specific geometries, proportions, and detail elements, sparking an imaginative reinterpretation of the building as a spacecraft that has remained docked at the site. The redrawn floor plans serve as the basis for designing and digitally modeling the transformable spacecraft. The drawing, evolving with multiple layers, captures the takeoff moment of ‘Wrightcraft’ by superimposing an image of the model on the floor plans. This imaginative drawing process, with its hybrid mode of representation, not only broadens the capacity of imagination but also generates ideas for spatial exploration


    Year: 2020

    Type: Drawing

    Material: Graphite, colored pencil, digital print on paper, and mylar

    Size: 16.5x11.7 in.

    Award: Finalist, Re-Draw.03, Fallingwater Experimental Architecture Representation
