• The drawing marks the beginning of a design process for a studio project that utilizes the analogical method to explore new ways of generating conceptual frameworks. Without a given program and site, the project selects a plastic transformer robot toy as an anagogic engine. Two photographs of transforming sequences are superimposed to investigate the spatial qualities of transformation and discover unforeseen shapes and forms that can further develop into architectural space. The developing attributes of the drawing suggest potential sites with prominent edge conditions. The Chesapeake Bay, chosen as the site, inspires an inventive program: a floating fish market and hotel in constant transformation in response to the marine ecology and environment. The spatial and material qualities of the program emerge from the drawing, which acts as a visual and formal repository throughout the design process.


    Year: 2006

    Type: Design Studio Project, Taubman Collage of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan

    Material: Graphite, pen, tracing paper, newspapaer, color pencil, pastel, digital print

    Studio Instructor: Perry Kulper
